The Sweet Symphony of Summer: Harvesting and Jarring Honey

As the warm embrace of summer graces the countryside, beekeepers across the UK prepare for one of the most rewarding tasks of the year – the harvesting and jarring of honey. This age-old tradition, steeped in both science and art, transforms the diligent efforts of bees into golden jars of sweetness. Whether you're a seasoned apiarist or a curious novice, the process of harvesting and jarring honey is a fascinating journey worth exploring.

Preparing for the Harvest

The journey begins well before the summer sun reaches its zenith. Preparation is key, as ensuring the health and productivity of the hive sets the stage for a bountiful harvest. Regular inspections throughout spring help monitor the hive's condition, check for diseases, and ensure the queen is laying eggs prolifically. A strong and healthy hive is the cornerstone of a successful honey harvest.

As the season progresses, beekeepers must ensure the bees have ample forage. This involves planting a variety of nectar-rich flowers or placing the hives near abundant natural sources. By late June to early July, the bees will have worked tirelessly, collecting nectar and converting it into honey.

The Art of Harvesting

When the time is ripe, typically around mid to late summer, the frames within the hive will be brimming with honey, capped with a thin layer of beeswax. This capping indicates that the honey is ready for extraction.

Harvesting begins by gently removing the bees from the frames. Many beekeepers use a bee brush or a gentle leaf blower for this task, ensuring minimal stress to the bees. Once the frames are bee-free, they are carefully transported to the extraction area.

Extracting the Liquid Gold

Extraction is where the magic truly happens. Using an uncapping fork or knife, the beekeeper gently removes the wax cappings. The frames are then placed into an extractor – a centrifugal device that spins the frames, flinging the honey out. This process, though mechanical, requires a delicate touch to ensure the frames remain intact.

The honey, now free from the comb, flows into a collection tank. From here, it is strained through a series of filters to remove any remaining wax or impurities. The result is pure, raw honey, glistening with the essence of summer.

Jarring the Honey

Jarring is the final step, where the honey is poured into sterilised glass jars. This stage is as much about presentation as it is about preservation. Clear, clean jars are essential to showcase the honey's natural beauty and ensure it remains uncontaminated.

Once sealed, the jars are labelled with details of the harvest, including the date and location. This not only adds a personal touch but also allows for traceability, ensuring that each jar tells the story of its unique origin.



We have a great range of honey jars to suite every harvest size.